Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Space Week!

We had so much Space fun this week that it was hard to get it all in!  We made name rockets, number rockets, rockets with pool noodles, and our own rockets out of toilet paper rolls.  We learned a lot of cool facts about each planet and the sun and moon.  We can even tell you the name of the planets in order from the sun.  We enjoyed the green room each day, did a lot of counting blasting off to space and had so much fun with our friends.

W is for wand

We named our own planet

Name rockets!

Working together to build the rocket

More fun W objects

Markers, coffee filters and a spray bottle make for some colorful planets

Superheroes keeping us safe!

Blast off!

We made name constellations and looked at them on the light table

We are such good readers!

We love d drawing a new student of the day each day. :)

W is for whale

Another special student of the day

Working on beginning letter sounds

Do you want to go to space?

More cuties!

One friend is the sun.  The others are specific planets orbiting the sun

At Mrs. Tracy's table we work on our letters, sounds, beginning and ending sounds, rhyming, syllables and reading.  We sure are smarties!

The sensory bin was fun this week! (and loud. ha!)

We've started writing stories in our journals now that we can write simple sentences.  It's so fun to see what they create!

Number rockets

Putting our familiar sentence from the book back in order. We even noticed and learned that a question mark and exclamation point are different than a period-so smart!

What a special snack from this friend!

Seriously, such a fun week!!  Next week is community helpers! If any parent wants to come in and tell us about your special job send me a text or email. :)

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