Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Favorite Author Week-Laura Numeroff

If you give a preschooler a classroom....they'll want some fun to go with it!!  (lol-that's our spinoff for If you give a Mouse a Cookie).  We had so much fun with Laura Numeroff's books this week.  We loved that her stories circled back around to the beginning.

A new train table! SO fun!

We loved finding combinations of tens on our ten frame paddles

Big, smart readers!

Our mouse puppets

Yummy looking cupcakes to go with If you Give e a Cat a Cupcake

Nice work friend making our new number, 11.

Unicorn Takeover!!!  U is for unicorn. :)

Our student of the day pages

Puzzle time with friends

U is for uniform, underwear (ha!!), ukulele and Uno!

Happy New Year hats

We started our student of the day this week for second semester.  This time, we talk about our names, cheered our names, count the letters and syllables and then draw our friend on chart paper.  Then everyone completes a page to send home in their book  to keep.

U is for umbrella!

If you give a pig a pancake in our sensory bin

Great teamwork friends!


Working together

Putting a story together in order

We always count our groups to make sure we are counting each one correctly

Thanks for a fun week friends!  Next week is all about winter animals!

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