Sunday, March 3, 2013

Dental Health Week

Last week our theme was dental health.  It's always good to discuss the importance of taking care of our teeth and making healthy food choices.  We loved having Dr. Jenkins visit our school and teach us all about brushing our teeth and getting rid of the "sugar bugs."  He brought two puppets and the kids laughed and laughed!  We also started new table top centers this week and everyone was excited to see what their new job was each morning.  Each activity helps us sharpen our fine motor or academic skills and prepares us for kindergarten.  We look so big and smart in these pictures!
Using tongs to transfer marbles takes a steady hand and concentration.  
One friend is finishing the button pattern while the other is hole punching a paper which strengthens her fine motor skills. 
Another fine motor activity...using tweezers to transfer tiny pom poms. 
This activity has us rolling a dice to get a b or d and then finding it on the case.  This helps us distinguish the difference between the two. 
Our art/writing table had us independently practicing our new letter for the week.   
At the end of the day each day, one friend has been sharing a book on CD with the whole class. 
Dr. Jenkins taught us about healthy teeth and had us laughing a lot. 
We finished our student of the days this week. I am SOOO proud of how well this class has done taking their time to draw each classmate. 
We enjoyed some silly songs and dancing this week. Love these faces! 
We worked on painting ourselves for something special that will hang outside of our new classroom!!  
We are starting to use our pointer finger to read familiar sight words in our paper readers. We sure look like kindergartners! 
Another friend pretending to be the teacher and sharing a book. :) 
This week on our magnetic board, we matched pictures with their beginning letter sound. 
* Next week our theme is dinosaurs which is always a class favorite!

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