This week was all about taking care of our teeth to go along with dental health month. Next week Dr. Jenkins will visit us and teach us more about taking care of our teeth. We can't wait! We enjoyed practicing brushing teeth on babies and big laminated teeth that were full of "plaque." We learned that we should brush our teeth as long as it takes to sing our ABC's 2 times through! We learned about the parts of a tooth and that different teeth have different jobs. We even looked at the teeth of animals and how we can tell what they eat based on their teeth. We sure are smart!
Brushing baby's teeth
Adding "plaque" to teeth and then brushing it off
Marshmallows became our mouths' teeth!
Our new word this week was "at" and we focused a lot on all of the words that rhyme with at. We even used picture clues to spell out "at" words.
Puzzle time!
Our "W" objects
Changing the first letter of our "at" words to make a new one! We came up with a lot!
We used little bugs to help us add objects together. We counted out what we needed for each box and then added them together.
We sorted foods that are good for our teeth and foods that we should probably brush after eating!