It was a "spook"tacular week celebrating Halloween in
Our student of the day shares his special friend from home
Table top centers
I loved all the pumpkin designs from home! They were so creative!
Making spiders from our hand prints
Painting candy corn to match the exact candy colors in order. We are so smart!
We can read our color words all by ourselves!
"Look, I made the letter T with Legos."
Great spider
What a good looking bunch!
Without peeking, pulling out an orange or black spider for a counting exercise
Trick or treating in the other classrooms
and down the sidewalk to Edward Jones
Party time! Icing Halloween cookies. Yum!
Making pumpkin picture frames and playing Bingo
Counting and graphing ghost marshmallows
Making pumpkin faces
We even wrote our own sentence this week about our costume. We knew how to write the words, "I" and "a" and "am" was modeled for us. Then we wrote down the sounds we heard for the name of our costume spelling it ourselves. WOW!! I am so proud of these little ones and how hard they try in class each week. :)