This week we had another fun filled science theme, insects! Our class loved learning the characteristics of an insect and trying to stump our families on which "bug" is considered an insect. We sang many songs about the parts of an insect and identified ones we see outside. It was another fun week of learning with our friends!
Great teamwork friends!
Independently, we read our color words on one side of the butterfly and then repeated it on the other side to show symmetry! We are such smart thinkers. :)
We love to interview our king or queen of the day and do a shared writing paragraph on what we learn about our friend.
Can you believe we are writing sentences on our own in Kinder Prep? Each friend wrote about insects they can see. I am so proud of these little ones!
We enjoyed getting new table top centers this week! Here we are putting together the life cycle of animals.
Two more new centers...Beading based on the number written on each pipe cleaner and spelling common words
Water colors are always a favorite center to visit
We used cotton balls to stamp out a caterpillar. We focused on making a pattern and wrote the word caterpillar.
Using the words that we know, "I, can, and" we were able to read this sentence figuring out the tricky words based on sounds and the context of the sentence. It's really exciting to see little readers take off!
Lately, little writers are taking off all over the room either at the writing center, the big white boards, working with a friend or even making little books at home!
We've learned to use two finger spaces between our words when we write.
Our king of the day shares his special something from home
We painted our own insects and labeled all the body parts including legs, antennae, head, thorax, and abdomen.
Another king of the day sharing-look at these great listeners!
This little author wrote her own book at home based on the "Brown Bear" book. WOW!
Making insects with our own thumbprints
We used our fingertips, fingers and hands to paint the life cycle of a butterfly!