Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Pottery Day!

It was a special day today having our families at school to paint pottery with us! Everyone did such a fabulous job on their Christmas ornaments. Thank you parents and grandparents for visiting us! Thanks to Earth and Fire for helping us create special keepsakes with our loved ones by our sides. :)

Polar Express & Gingerbread

We kicked off our Christmas themes with The Polar Express and gingerbread. :) It was a fabulous two weeks full of using our imaginations, creating some fabulous art work and digging into our favorite children's books.

Dressed and ready for the polar express!

Creating our own trains with familiar shapes

Using thread spools for wheel prints

Empty thread spools can also make snowflakes!

Water coloring our long trains

Cuddling up with some good books in our pj's

Taking time for a few art projects

After reading The Polar Express we received a bell. We shook it to hear the sweet sound we read about in the story.

We had our tickets and were ready to take off on the Polar Express train!

Drinking chocolate milk just like the kids in the story. :)

Making our gingerbread men that looked almost good enough to eat

Building our own gingerbread houses-what a tasty craft!

Good work gang!