Thursday, January 20, 2011

Ice and Snow!

Brrrrrrrrrrrr....we brought a little of the outside into our classroom the last two weeks exploring snow and ice. We loved having the sensory table full of frozen treasures. We used syringes filled with warm water to try and melt the ice. When our curiosity got the better of us we just used hammers to break through the ice to find the hidden mysteries. :) We did such a great job sharing the space and the materials with our friends!

We look like big kindergartners these days writing so nicely and reading our sight word books. WOW!

Making snowflakes was challenging but we are really good with trying new things and sticking with it. We realized every snowflake is unique just like us!

We had some more fabulous snowflake home projects to share.

Way to go!

Since we haven't been able to get outside to play we brought some action and fun indoors. We played hot potato and had to pass it quickly before the potato's music ended. We loved it!!

I loved watching their faces as they hurried. Such great teamwork!

Playing in the snow (shaving cream) was so much fun! We got to practice our letters, numbers and even some of our new sight words we've learned all while getting a little messy....always a good thing in preschool!

Some of us got a little messier than others and didn't mind one bit! :)

Snowy scene of smiling kids!

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