Sunday, January 31, 2010

The last few weeks...

The last few weeks of school we have explored snow, ice, and winter animals. We've enjoyed some new centers in the room and working with our friends. It is amazing to watch how well our little ones interact with each other and work together on a task. Mrs. Traci and I are so proud of these kiddos!

We are so good at sharing materials at a table.

It took a lot of working together to make this long train track.

Sometimes a friend can help us finish something we are stuck on.

We can even take turns breaking through ice to find hidden treasures.

The ice blocks became a new habitat for many creatures in the room.

Pattern blocks are always fun and help us build many problem solving skills.

We can extend a pattern by looking at shape and color.

How tall can we make this? :)

Our footprints made some pretty cute penguins.
There were a lot of giggles going on when Mrs. Traci painted our feet. It was priceless!

We enjoyed the new set of lincoln logs to build homes with our friends.

Dancing is the biggest request of the day! We love to move our bodies. The songs we dance to get us moving and teach us things. We love music.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow :)

We had a wonderful week back to school playing with our friends and talking about snow. All of our snow talk must have started something since we are expecting the real deal tomorrow. :) Have fun playing!

We have a room full of detailed builders!

Just doing a little grocery shopping
Having a birthday party for baby
Working hard to complete a task
Concentration is key! :)

Throwing together a little fruit salad

Two friends can build a puzzle the best

Sorting by color

Pattern blocks can make some cool pictures

Using foil and spools of thread can make some interesting snowflakes

Working with our teachers gives us confidence